Khavryn Ura
Jewel of Spring

"The stone that seemed plain by day, by night was a gem betrayed."
Part miner, part smith, with a pinch of wanderlust.
"And when she looked upon the night sky she saw not stars, but many facets of the Dusk Mother's love, each unique in its memory and reflection."
♢ NICKNAME(S): Khav, Dusty |
♢ RACE: Au Ra (Xaela) |
♢ GENDER: Cis Female |
♢ AGE: 22 Summers |
♢ NAMEDAY: 5th Sun, 5th Astral Moon (9/5) |
♢ GUARDIAN: Nhaama |
♢ SEXUALITY: Pansexual |
♢ OCCUPATION: Miner. Smith. Trader. Explorer. |
♢ RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (Polyamorous) |
"She knew that while most preferred the beauty of a crystal, it was the coal that warmed their backs, and so she became the coal."
Born to the Ura tribe, Khavryn spent most of her childhood as Ura children often do: playing and helping in the caves, cliffsides, and mountain slopes that her tribe calls home, and occasionally accompanying her parents when they traveled to trade with other tribes. This was how she got her first taste of just how big the world was beyond her home, for it was one thing to see the lay of the land from the top of a mountain, and another thing entirely to know how vast that land was from the ground. Even as a little girl, Khavryn's heart wandered to the possibility of what lay beyond the horizon.That desire to explore only grew as Khavryn aged, and by the time she was in her teen summers she had begun to beg her parents' permission to branch out and learn about the different parts of the Steppe--to study the depths of other mountains, to know the age of the earth elsewhere. And as she grew into adulthood, she knew it wasn't just the Steppe that she wanted to explore.However, fate did not look kindly upon her family, for as she was preparing to strike out on her own, her father died under the weight of a mine shaft's collapse, and her mother fell ill shortly after. She stayed, then, to take care of her, and it wasn't until years later when her mother passed that Khavryn finally left, with the promise that she would one day return with a wealth of knowledge and stories.For now, Khavryn wanders Eorzea, putting her knowledge to work smithing weapons and armor, making jewelry, and studying all manner of dirt, stone, and metal.
"When others looked upon her, they saw the dust on her face and her clothes, they smelled the metal and the stone, and they knew that she was one who delved the depths that most left untouched."
Child of the Steppe
Khavryn was born and raised on the Steppe. Because of this, she carries many of the same values as other Steppe dwellers when it comes to morality, battle, and relationships.
Services for Sale
The Ura are known traders. Most of the time they trade ore and metal goods for food. Khavryn has learned how to schmooze, and if she hears that there is business to be had in her chosen profession, she may butt in.
It's Shiny!
Are you wearing or wielding something made with rare gems or metal? Do you carry a bag full of crystals or special sand? If Khav sees these things, they'll at least get a curious inspection!
Always Exploring
Khavryn is one of those people that doesn't like to stay in one place if there are mysteries to uncover elsewhere--and there always, always are.
Boasts of Strength
If she hears you going on about how tough or strong you are and she has the chance to put you to the test, expect that she will try. Rough and tumble is not something she's shy about, and she often boasts herself--some might even mistake her as a member of another, more influential tribe based on her ego!
A Little Flirting Never Hurt Anyone
Not only is Khavryn adept at selling her services, but she's also good at selling herself as a person. Much of the time, her compliments come off as flirtations, and she's totally fine with that. Flirt with her, though, and she'll return the favor--often with gusto, if you're an Au Ra.
"This, as many parts of life, was not an experience that could be weighed by sand; neither a grain nor a handful could quantify the measurement of a memory."
Yo, I've been RPing for a very long time, and over the years have developed my own style and preferences:
I (MOSTLY) ADHERE TO LORE: I follow lore as much as possible, but there are situations in which little to no lore is present. In these cases I will work off current community theory or bend lore to suit the story's needs.
IC ≠ OOC: I separate IC (in-character) and OOC (out-of-character), and ask that you do the same. A character's views, actions, or interests are completely independent of my own.
LET'S BE ADULTS: While I can RP in public events where minors are legally present, I will not RP any dark/mature themes with someone I know to be a minor. I also expect an RP partner to act like an adult OOC.
COMMUNICATE, PLEASE: There are times when behind the curtain talk needs to happen. I don't require a lot of updates, but I do expect to be informed if there is a plot development that definitely impacts my character that I was not present for, or if either of us needs to know where the other is at any given moment.
PLEASE DON'T METAGAME OR GODMODE WITHOUT PERMISSION: Metagaming is using knowledge gained OOC to dictate your character's IC actions even though your character does not have access to said information. Godmodding is taking control of another person's character. If either of those things are done, I will remove myself from the scene.
WE SHOULD BE EQUALS: You're not a side character in my story, and I don't want to be a side character in yours. Regardless of social status, power, wealth, etc., we should both be equals when it comes to OOC regard.
Pre-established RelationshipsDark / Mature ThemesD&D Style (/random) AdventuresIntrigue PlotsCharacter InjuriesEnemies / Frenemies / Nemesis
Character death (unless it has been planned beforehand)Extensive gore / mutilation / violence (if you ask on this one, I'll let you know my limits)Random solicitations for ERPAnything that puts a Lalafell in adult situations